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Follow Jesus in developing leaders

A key concern of pastors and ministry leaders is to participate with Jesus in identifying and developing additional leaders. Here is a helpful blog post on that topic from author Bob Logan.

– Ted Johnston, GCI ministry developer

Leave it to Jesus to be forward-looking. He knew there would be many years to come when he could not be there with his followers, showing them how to do things. He taught them how to figure out how to take the next steps. He shaped their characters and prepared them to learn to listen to the Holy Spirit who would come. He encouraged them to engage in service and learn as they go.

Can we do the same for our people? How can we prepare them to serve and to lead when we are no longer there to guide them? Read the scriptures below as you reflect.

  • Jesus challenged people to take the next step (Mark 5:19, John 8:11)
  • Jesus invested in a few, not in the masses (Luke 6:12-14, Mark 10:32, Mark 9:2)
  • Jesus invited people into an apprenticing process (Matt 4:18-20)
  • Jesus chose unlikely disciples (Matt 9:9, Matt 4:18-19)
  • Jesus engaged people in service (Luke 10:1-24)
  • Jesus shaped people’s character through life experience (Luke 9:51-56, Luke 22:54-62, Mark 9:14-29)
  • Jesus ministered with an eye toward multiplication (Matt 10:1-8, Luke 10:1-3)
  • Jesus intentionally embedded the essential DNA into his followers (John 15-17)
  • Jesus taught in a way that made people think for themselves (John 3:8-9, Mark 4:33-34, Prov 20:5)
  • Jesus told stories that helped people see from a new perspective (Luke 12:13-21, Luke 18:9-14, Luke 15:11-32)
  • Jesus had a plan for his ministry to go on without him (Matt 16:17-19, John 15:26-27)

One thought on “Follow Jesus in developing leaders”

  1. I recently completed the Pastoral Leadership, CM02 course at Grace Communion Seminary. One of the required texts was Jesus on Leadership: Timeless Wisdom on Servant Leadership authored by C. Gene Wilkes. This is an excellent read if you want to pursue the subject of Jesus’ model of servant leadership.

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