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Big Sandy members honored

This report is from Sonny Parsons, senior pastor of the GCI church in Big Sandy, TX.

George and Sarah Strub with their children

Greetings from Big Sandy! At the Chamber of Commerce banquet here last week George and Sarah Strub were named Big Sandy’s “man and woman of the year” because of their leadership and service in the community and their church. This prominent annual event is well attended by citizens from Big Sandy and the surrounding east Texas area. In the past ten years, seven of our members have been named man or woman of the year. One member has been named twice.

Anna Peterson (at left, as Mary in the Christmas play)

Also this year, Anna Peterson, daughter of GCI members Rick and Lois Peterson, was named “Miss Big Sandy”! She will represent our city in events around the area during the coming year.

Anna, George and Sarah will be riding in convertibles representing their honors in the Big Sandy Fourth of July and Christmas parades.

We are very proud of their accomplishments.