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PD Kurts appointed GCI chaplain coordinator

The US military requires that its chaplains be endorsed by a denomination or other recognized religious institution. Recently, GCI was contacted by two chaplains who feel connected to GCI and want us to be their endorsing denomination (we’ll profile these men in a future article). To facilitate these and other endorsements, GCI recently joined the National Association of Evangelicals Chaplains Commission (NAECC), which provides endorsement and support and training for evangelicals who minister as chaplains within three branches of the US military and the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Captain Paul David Kurts

GCI now offers its endorsement to appropriately qualified US military chaplains. Such endorsements will utilize NAECC services. Paul David (PD) Kurts has been appointed by Dr. Dan Rogers of GCI Church Administration and Development (CAD) to serve as GCI’s military chaplain coordinator. PD will continue serving as a GCI pastor and district pastoral leader and part time in the North Carolina Air National Guard.

PD enlisted in the Guard in 1999, served in Guard chaplaincy from 1999 to 2003, was commissioned an officer in 2003 and has served since as assistant director of Equal Opportunity for the North Carolina Air National Guard (where he deals with unlawful discrimination and advises commanders concerning human relations and morale). PD is currently a Captain and is scheduled to be promoted to Major in a few months. Congratulations and thanks to PD!

If you know of a U.S. military chaplain who might be interested in receiving GCI endorsement, you may email PD at paul.d.kurts@gci.org.

For a video profiling a day in the life of a US Navy chaplain, watch this:


2 thoughts on “PD Kurts appointed GCI chaplain coordinator”

  1. Congrats PD. You’re a busy man. Praying God’s richest blessings of peace and joy on you and your family.

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