GCI elder John Biswas, director of the Bengali Evangelical Association, requests prayer for his wife Naomi. She is suffering from asthmatic congestion, which hinders her breathing and speaking. Her energy level is quite low, making her unable to work in her nursing job.
Cards may be sent to:
Naomi BiswasBengali Evangelical Association
P. O. BOX 1733,
Loma Linda, Ca., 92354
Dear John,
We will include Naomi in our prayers.
Santiago and Elke
We pray that Naomi’s health condition improves quickly so that her needed function as nurse and her support of the Bengali work will not be further hindered. May God’s mercy be very abundant.
Love In Him JR & Hazel
Lyn & I are both are keeping Naomi’s and John’s names in our prayers to our God.
In Christ’s love
Dear John and Naomi, The blessings and healing of our great God be upon you at this time. You both have been doing a self-less job in BEA and I pray that God will continue to keep you both in His work He is doing through BEA and you. In all things praise His name. My prayers are with Naomi. The comfort and peace of God be upon her in this time of her trials.
Naomi – So grateful to be able to lift you up in prayer for the Lord’s loving grace to be poured out on your health issue. You are a dear friend and we (and our Churches) will be lifting you up to our Lord. Thank you and John for your love and dedication to our Lord and allowing Him to use you in His mission of Life & Love to Bangladesh. Blessings dear friends.
Do hope and pray that with the arrival of each new day you are improving and will soon be fully recovered.
In Christian Love
Grace Covenant Fellowship
Birmingham, Alabama