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Death of Marie Allworth

We were saddened to learn of the recent death of Marie Allworth after a battle with cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Marie was the widow of GCI elder and former GCI TV department employee Al Allworth. Marie was buried in the state of Washington where she and Al had moved after living in Oregon following Al’s retirement. Here is a picture of Marie with her daughter Lynn Forehand.

Allworth Marie

4 thoughts on “Death of Marie Allworth”

  1. Our prayers reach out to the Allworth family. May you powerfully feel the presence of our great God of mercies and comfort during this time of sadness and mourning.

    In Christ,
    Santiago and Elke

  2. Lynn and Family,

    May God Bless you with his comfort and everlasting love in this difficult time. I am keeping you in my prayers,

    Mark Nelson

  3. Our prayers are with you as our God comfort you with the hope that is in Him and the resurrection of our Saviour. He will fill the emptiness and void with His deep compassion and love. Keep your eyes on Jesus as He is the author and finisher of our Faith. He conquered death. He will blanket you with love, and cover you in His everlasting mercies. God be with you at this time.

  4. Al and Marie Allworth were true servants – always there for others and willing to give their time – what a wonderful example of christians

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