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Death of Shirley Moskel

We are saddened to learn of the death on April 18 of Shirley Moskel, wife of GCI pastor John Moskel. Click here for a previous prayer request that outlines her battle with cancer that now is over. Please pray for John and Shirley’s other family members and friends. Details about the funeral are pending.

Cards may be sent to:

John Moskel
130 Youpon Drive
Lexington, SC 29073


8 thoughts on “Death of Shirley Moskel”

  1. Dear John,

    In this hour of pain and grave sadness we do want you to know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and the rest of the family. The day is coming when death will no longer keep us away for a season from our loved ones. The glory of the resurrection awaits Shirley, what a glorious day that will be!

    May the God of comfort and mercy lift you up and provide according to His abounding love.

    In Christ,
    Santiago and Elke

  2. Dear John,

    Nancy and I are sad to learn of Shirley’s death. We are grateful to know that Jesus, family, and friends will help you at this time of loss and grief.


  3. Hi John,

    So sorry to hear about Shirley’s passing. Please know that our prayers are with you for the Lord’s peace and comfort to provide strength and hope during this difficult time.

    Larry and Joanne

  4. John
    I remember well the love you showed me when I was an assistant pastor in South Carolina….and the times we shared together at different church and youth events. You were always an encouraging friend/fellow pastor. Now Jonnie and I pray that you will receive from your church family and from the Spirit….the comfort, encouragement and love you need to get through this difficult time.
    You are loved
    David & Jonnie Perry

  5. The Good Lord will act in ways we don’t even expect to step into your life, John,, in new powerful and comforting ways. We are grateful for Shirley’s legacy and your service.
    Love In Him JR & Hazel

  6. John, I’m saddened to hear of Shirley’s passing. She was a sweet and loving lady and she brought joy into your life. I pray for the Lord’s comfort for you as you grieve losing her.

  7. John,

    From working in the Jerusalem Dig together back in 1972 (can you believe it has been 42 years this summer?) when we first met, to serving together in ministry – although on opposite sides of the country – to now facing our senior years, life has had many turns. Our prayers will be with you as you go through this challenging time, knowing that our God of comfort will fill you with His comfort.

    Lean on Him,

  8. Dear John,
    So sorry to hear of your loss. Our prayers and thoughts are with you.
    Leonard and Rose Anna

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