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Journey with the Master

GenMin Full logo Small -RGBJourney with the Master (JWM) is a series of weekend intensives offered by GCI in the US through Generations Ministries (GenMin). The program provides “space” for young adults and older teens to explore these important questions:

  • Who is God? Why the big deal about Father, Son and Holy Spirit? What role does the Trinity play in my everyday life?
  • What is the Lord up to in my personal life? My family life? The life of my local church?
  • How do I actively discern and participate in the move of the Holy Spirit?
  • What is calling and what is my calling?
  • What are my spiritual gifts? How do I bring these divine gifts to bear in the local church?
  • What are my typical ways of communicating with other people? How might I more fully show love through my communication?

GenMin has offered JWM for several years and has seen tremendous growth in the participants. There is something transformative about “unplugging” for a weekend, in the company of peers and older mentors, to listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying. Because JWM is offered over the course of three weekends (generally spaced 4-6 months apart), each session builds on the previous one. However, participants aren’t lost if they can only show up for one or two weekends.

GenMin coordinator Anthony Mullins is planning to conduct JWM later this year in Seattle, New York City and possibly Southern California. If you or someone you know is interested in participating, email Anthony at Anthony.Mullins@gci.org and see further details on the GenMin website.