GCI Update
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Updates from Canada

GCI Canada director Gary Moore provided this update.

Montreal English church celebrates 45th anniversay

MontrealOn March 29, the Montreal English congregation celebrated its 45th anniversary. The celebration included a special church service and a meal. John Adams and his wife Edna (at left in the picture) were guests. John formerly pastored the congregation.

The day was designed as a reunion, giving current and former members a chance to reconnect and share memories. Several former pastors sent greetings, as did GCI president Joseph Tkach and GCI Canada director Gary Moore.

Men’s retreat planned

GCI men in Ontario are hosting a men’s retreat (they call it an “advance”) on May 2-4, 2014. It will be held in Eastern Ontario (about a 90-minute drive from Montreal). GCI men in Canada, the U.S. and elsewhere are invited. For information, email Ken Brady at kbrady@caladena.com or phone Ken at 514.923.0414.