Five leaders from GCI’s church in the south part of Manila, Philippines, recently graduated from the Asian School of Development and Cross-Cultural Studies (ASDECS). Receiving masters of transformational leadership (MLT) degrees were Eric Absalon, Adriano Ducay Sr., Romansito Guerrero, Ardel Magararu and Nomer Venus. Athos Parane received a diploma in tranformational leadership.
At the graduation ceremony, Dr. Paul Mohan Raj, director of accreditation of the International Council of Higher Education, noted how Jesus’ leadership transformed society through its inclusivity. Dr. David Lim, president and CEO of ASDECS, challenged graduates to “dare to make a difference” in the family and society by being agents for change and transformation. The program ended with a benediction from Dr. Reynaldo Taniajura (at left in the picture), GCI Philippines missions director and program director for the MTL degree program at ASDECS.
Congratulations to all! Let the light shine.