This update on John Halford’s request for prayer is from his daughter Becki Halford Brown.

I wish I could give you all a little more of an uplifting update regarding my dad. He is still very weak, hardly eating at all and sleeps a lot of the day.
We (and he) were hoping for a little more progress by now. However, we have been told that his condition is normal—the chemo and radiation he has gone through really takes a toll on the body. Still, it is heartbreaking to see him in a lot of pain and tired all of the time.
Though Dad has been given permission to eat anything he wants now, he says everything tastes like dry cardboard and is hard to get down. His body aches all the time, especially around his shoulders. Although he stays positive and tries to smile, he really is miserable. He so badly wants his life back and to be visiting with his friends. One short visit wipes him out for the rest of the day.
We would greatly appreciate your continued prayers for my dad’s healing and recovery and for some rest for my mom. She is dad’s full time nurse and is very tired too. Cancer is a truly horrible disease that affects the entire family.
Cards may be sent to:
John & Pat Halford5836 South State Road 129
Versailles, IN 47042
Dear John, Pat and Becky,
We can only imagine the very gut wrenching time you are all going through. All the ups and downs, open questions and frustrations. In prayer we can bring all our concerns to the loving God who experiences the pain of His children and who deeply cares for them.
His answer will surely come…
In Christ,
Santiago and Elke
“There are moments when troubles enter our lives and we can do nothing to avoid them. But they are there for a reason. Only when we have overcome them will we understand why they were there.”
― Paulo Coelho, The Fifth Mountain
Dear John, I know you are good fighter and overcomer and that you with God’s help will not give up. I just wanted to let you know you are on my prayers asking our dear Father for a progressive recovery. We pray for Pat too, so that she is able to get enough rest to be able to continue taking care of you through this not so easy challenge. A big hug my friend.
Hi John – remember Churchill!!! Don
Do hope and pray that with the passing of time your appetite and strength will return. Take your time, get plenty of rest and God will take care of the rest. Thinking of you.
In Christian Love
Grace Covenant Fellowship
Birmingham, Alabama
My Dear Friend,
I am praying for your complete and total restoration to energetic health. I look forward to seeing you as soon as possible. You are one of my special mentors and I love you dearly. Special Greetings from New Outlook Christian Fellowship (Attalla, Alabama).
In Christian Love,
Rannie & Shirley Childress
John and Pat,
We add our continued prayers for God’s grace and complete healing. With our love. Ray and Carol Meyer
It is hard to imagine your dynamic self in your present state, but you are strong in spirit, and that is in your favor when weak in body. The Good Lord will stick right with you and Pat & family.
Prayers continue, Friend.
Love In Him JR & Hazel
Dear John, Pat and Becki, may our Lord Jesus be with you all, each step of the way through this trial! A special thanks for all your service to each other, and to so many of us down through the years of your dedicated service to our Church in our Lord! This service has not gone unnoticed! In Christian Love, our prayers are for you all, David and Linda Husmann
Dear John and Pat
Have been thinking of both of you during this great trial you are going through. Wishing a quick recovery and know that GOD is there for you. Remembering our trips together to Russia, Australia, New Zealand and Malaysia. God has been good to you and I am grateful for you both. Prayers are with you always. Love you both. Carmen