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Parsons’ 50th anniversary

Congratulations to Sonny and Jane Parsons on their 50th wedding anniversary! They were married on December 20, 1964 in Jackson, Mississippi. Sonny is retiring this month as senior pastor of the Big Sandy, Texas and Texarkana, Arkansas congregations. The Parsons plan to remain in Big Sandy.

Here is the happy couple on their wedding day and today:




4 thoughts on “Parsons’ 50th anniversary”

  1. Dear Sonny and Jane,
    Please accept my congratulations on the wonderful example you have set as a team throughout your married lives. Mr. Armstrong used to often mention that his wife, Loma, was a full half of his ministry; and we know ministering to others was his entire life. I am thankful to have witnessed the same attitude in both of you during the time I have known you–those first years after you arrived in Big Sandy. Congratulations again and thanks for your wonderful example. May our Lord grant you many more years and experiences to come in your retirement.

  2. Dear Sonny & Jane, Will always remember your tireless service. I’m retiring now too, but after only 44 years married! Wonder how busy you will be “retiring” there in Big Sandy? May 2015 be very kind to you, and rich congratulations!
    Hazel & JR

  3. Congratulations! A golden anniversary is a wonderful “Christmas season” gift.

    Well done!

    In Christ,
    Santiago and Elke

  4. Sonny and Jane,
    Congratulations on 50 years together in marriage and
    on your retirement. Thank you for all the years of
    service to the church and others.
    We love you,
    Linda and Larry Helscher

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