GCI Update
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2 thoughts on “GCI Intern Program update”

  1. Jeff,

    Thanks so much for this brief yet informative overview. Very exciting. God will bless these new training opportunities.

    You have our prayers.

    In Him,

  2. A full time chaplain in 2 hospitals where I was a volunteer chaplain and I became friends. I mentioned to him that we had opportunities in our denomination for ministers and interns. I contacted Greg, he and others contacted my friend (he had an M.Div from Regents) and started a dialogue with him. Our local church paid for him and his wife to attend a conference to be exposed to our church and meet with church officials. The dialogue continued and he was accepted to a position in Indianapolis. On Friday the 9th the head chaplain at the hospital and several of us prayed and laid hands on him as Josh left us to serve the church in Indiana. Please remember him and the members he will be serving. Thanks.

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