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Matthew Rakestraw

MatthewJonathan Rakestraw, the pastor of GCI’s church in Tallahassee, Florida, along with his wife Carolyn request prayer for their oldest child Matthew Rakestraw (see picture) who during a recent visit to his dermatologist was diagnosed with melanoma cancer. Concerning the diagnosis, Carolyn wrote this:

The area affected by the cancer is on his forehead. This is not something new to us. From an early age, doctors told us that Matthew’s skin condition could lead to cancer. We do not have a lot of details as to treatment yet, but it likely will involve surgery. Though this is a scary situation, we know we have God’s help, and we are, for the most part, able to leave it with Him. God’s love has been evident throughout this journey. We very much appreciate and feel your prayers. We know that the final outcome is in God’s hands, and for that we are thankful. We know that God’s love and goodness are endless.

Matthew, who is a member of his father’s GCI congregation, actively serves in youth ministry, including as a staff member at GCI’s Florida summer camp.

Cards may be sent to:

Matthew Rakestraw
3946 Elysian Ct.,
Tallahassee FL 32311

7 thoughts on “Matthew Rakestraw”

  1. Matthew’s mother reports that Matthew has a tentative surgery date of February 27. Your prayers are appreciated!

  2. We are confident you will come through this in faith and strength through Jesus, Who has been working with you and equipping you, and using you for service and ministry these many years. Still more for you to do! Love & Prayers, Marty Davey

  3. Our prayers are with you. We join our prayers with those who are joining you in yours. We are thankful you know the GOD of all comfort and that HE will never leave you.

    Dear LORD, we bring the Rakestraws before your throne of mercy. We know that you know all about their situation but you said we didn’t get because we didn’t ask. We are asking now for your manifestation of your healing power upon their son. You pray for the supernatural removal of all cancer in the name of JESUS. We are learning O LORD how to use those keys you gave us in Mt. 16:19. We thank you for being GOD and that there is nothing too hard for you. In your son and our saviour’s name, JESUS, Amen.

  4. We pray that You oh Lord will perfect everything in Matthew’s body even as we join hearts and faith knowingly that whatever is committed into your hands is safe and so based on this conviction we come to you with thanksgiving in anticipation of that which we know that you can do. We pray for strength and support for him and his family as they and us look up to you, in Jesus name, Amen.

  5. Thinking of you, and do hope all goes well with Matthews’
    surgery and following treatment and recovery.
    In Christian Love
    Grace Covenant Fellowship
    Birmingham, Alabama

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