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South Africa camp

SEP bikingLast December, GCI South Africa held a youth camp attended by 42 children, 57 teens, 26 young adults and 58 staff members. Camp activities included worship, Christian Living classes, outdoor sports, dancing, life skills, crafts and camp improvement.

Cycling, the newest camp activity, was widely enjoyed. Many campers, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, had never learned to ride a bicycle before.

SEP connectedThe camp theme, Connected, proclaimed the reality that we always are connected to God, and in that connection we are connected to each other. The theme was preached and explained in morning worship sessions and included in all camp activities. The theme came to a conclusion in a full church service on the last day of camp. The service included the Lord’s Supper led by camp chaplain, Timothy Maguire. During camp, two youth committed their lives to Christ and were baptized.

SEP dancing

SEP worship

Thanks to the generosity of congregations and the mission fund in GCI Canada, many of the disadvantaged campers were fully sponsored in attending.

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