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Marcia Fricke

Here is a prayer request from Dan Fricke, assistant pastor in Reno, Nevada, concerning his wife Marcia (Keith) Fricke.

I request prayer for my wife Marcia. A month ago she found a lump in her breast. It has been removed and was found to be cancerous along with three lymph nodes which were cancerous. Though primarily estrogen caused, it had 20% of HER2 cancer, which is an aggressive type of cancer. She will have a medical port implanted in her chest for nearly a year to help facilitate the six months of chemotherapy and then targeted medicine for the HER2. That will be followed by six weeks of radiation.

Marcia is now doing intense detoxification to help her body deal better with the chemotherapy. Though she knows the next year will be very challenging, as she also suffers with fibromyalgia, she is very positive and we both know that our heavenly Father will work his will in our lives. We prayed that he will be honored and that good will come from this. Already we have seen beautiful growth in a number of relations and encouragement to others in similar circumstances.

Cards may be sent to:

Marcia & Dan Fricke
4799 Herring Gull Way
Sparks, NV 89436-1655

7 thoughts on “Marcia Fricke”

  1. Dear Dan and Marcia,

    Please know that we will be praying not only for healing but that you will be given the strength to cope.

    Our love and prayers’
    Don & Alix

  2. Our prayers are with you. We have a computer Prayer Warrior Ministry and we are sending your request there also. People from many places around the world will be praying for Mrs. Fricke and your family. GOD is able and there is nothing too hard for HIM.

  3. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you, and do hope your
    treatments will go well for you for the duration you have to have them.
    Thinking of you.
    In Christian Love
    Grace Covenant Fellowship
    Birmingham, Alabama

  4. Hi Marcia–was just thinking of you the other day and our trip to Reno some years back–we have you in our hearts–blessings and strength to you on this new journey–Neil and Susan Earle

  5. thoughts and prayers for a complete recovery. From the brethren in Edinburgh Church

  6. Hi Dan and Marcia,

    Sorry to hear of this development, but we know God holds you in the palm of his hands. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, and He will guide you through uncharted waters. May the Lord send His healing power upon you and give you peace. With our love, Ray and Carol Meyer

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