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Charles Taylor

Charles with his family
Charles with his family

In an earlier issue of Weekly Update we asked for prayer for GCI pastor Charles Taylor, who was badly burned in a home accident. Here is an update from Charles that came several days after being released from the hospital:

My family and I thank you all for your prayers, encouraging words, cards, texts, and blessings. By the grace of God I’m improving day by day. Therapy is hard, but great and helpful. Today I opened a bottle of Gatorade by myself with my recuperating hand and twisted a coconut off of a tree with two hands. I was overjoyed praising God!

Our love to you all!

Cards may be sent to Charles and his wife Keysha at:

Charles and Keysha Taylor
9650 Dunhill Drive
Miramar FL 33025

3 thoughts on “Charles Taylor”

  1. Praise GOD and we do thank HIM for answering our prayers. We don’t want to be like the 9 lepers. We want to be like the 1 who came back. We pray for your continued healing. Love and best wishes.

  2. We are so happy to hear that you are improving, and pray that with time may God bless you with a complete recovery.
    Thinking of you.
    In Christian Love
    Grace Covenant Fellowship
    Birmingham, Alabama

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