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Don’t use 15-seat passenger vans

vanIt’s summer and youth and other church groups often take trips. Thus it’s a good time to remind pastors and youth ministers of the GCI-USA policy concerning not using 15-seat passenger vans (like the one at right). In recent years there have been many warnings that these vans are dangerous due to their high center of gravity and relatively short wheel base, making them susceptible to roll over, even at low speeds.

There have been many accidents, including tragic deaths and injuries, arising from using such vans. Some U.S. states now require that anyone driving a vehicle holding more than 10 passengers have a commercial driver’s license because of these safety concerns.

GCI congregations or camps may wish to rent or borrow a van to transport children, teens and adults. But please DO NOT use a 15-seat passenger van. The potential risk is simply too great. We must guard the safety of our members and their children and also that of other motorists who share the road. GuideOne, GCI’s liability insurance carrier in the U.S., recommends that policyholders use small school buses or minivans for group transportation.