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LGBT issues

Here are some resources that helpfully address LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) issues from the perspective of the true identity all humans have in union with Christ, by the Spirit:

On YouTube at http://youtu.be/GG54Dy3pmbE

3 thoughts on “LGBT issues”

  1. Rosaria’s story emphasizes the power of Jesus’ gospel. I am moved to joyful tears. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. Although I heard Dr. Butterfield’s testimony awhile back( and it impacted greatly then) I felt after hearing it again that I had been refreshed by what it means to be “loved by God”. Amazing how gently He worked with her, patient, kind, you can almost feel His breathe on her shoulder as He worked with her every concern. It seemed there was never a need to force Himself on her, rather just love her with no sign that there was a time limit that had to be met. This instantly made me want to fall to my own knees and repent and yet at the same time rejoice, to examine how I treat others and yet look upon my own life and recognize that same “1 Cor. 13 way I that He penetrates my existence. I kept hearing “Love Me and love others, the Great Commandment as it is called sometimes. Thanks for sharing Dr. Butterfield’s testimony and I hope that I get the chance to participate in the impacting of someone’s life the way pastor Smith did Rosarie’s and the way she is impacting me and others with her own story.

  3. I’m glad to see these issues addressed and this is a start. I would also like to know what the GCI church position is on this subject. Real life and everyday issues need to be addressed by our churches, but are not being.

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