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Christian Leadership class offered

ACCMACCM recently announced that beginning in November, it will offer its 10-week-long Christian Leadership course in a format that includes a three-day intensive held in Dallas, Texas, on December 10-12. The class, titled Christian Leadership: Foundational Perspectives, Principles & Practices for Lifelong Growth as a Leader, will be taught by Charles Fleming and Greg Williams, who provide this comment:

As your instructors and fellow lifelong-learners, we will help participants in the class reflect on key foundational elements that contribute to growing as leaders across a lifetime. As Christ followers in a world of radical, adaptive change, what are the perspectives we need to have? In what ways do our imaginations need to be re-framed for effective engagement with an increasingly secular world? What principles and practices can help us cultivate the conditions for people to encounter Christ in transformative ways? And, vitally important, what formational practices do we need to make a part of our personal lives if we are to avoid burnout and, instead, live a kingdom-flourishing life?

For more information about the class, including instructions about registering, download the document at www.gci.org/files/ACCM_Leadership_Class.pdf.