Margaret Blackwell requests prayer for her husband, retired GCI pastor Lowell Blackwell, and for herself.

Lowell is battling terminal melanoma cancer and is now in hospice care. Margaret reports that his pain is under control, he is not bedfast and is living at home. His short-term memory is not good, but that is expected.
Margaret also asks prayer for herself. She has problems with sciatica and will be having back surgery.
Cards may be sent to:
Lowell and Margaret Blackwell
123 W. Woodland Drive
Pendleton, IN 46064-9534
We lift you up before the great GOD who said to “Cast all our care on HIM for HE cares for us and to come to HIM when we are burden and heavy laden. We are thankful HE is faithful and HIS mercies are new every morning. May GOD continue to fulfil HIS promises in your lives.
You are both in our prayers. God bless you and keep you and give you peace. A huge hug to both of you, wish we could be there to give that hug. I don’t have the right words to say but am sure God is in the midst of your pain.He is carrying your burden..We love you and God loves you more..
Love from the Tabins