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Mozambique relief

GCI relief funds and congregations from various nations have been helping provide food to 100+ GCI congregations in Mozambique suffering from hunger due to ongoing drought. Manuel Vasco, National Secretary of GCI-Mozambique recently submitted a report on the relief efforts. Below are excerpts.

I set out on motorcycle to distribute drought support to our Mozambique congregations in the center of the country. At the beginning of the trip I hit a concrete bridge. I thank God I was not badly injured, though after spending the night camping out (see pictures below), my leg was badly swollen and I had to postpone the trip to obtain medical treatment.


When the trip resumed, I encountered very bad roads and given the dangerous political situation, I was only able to spend a short time with each congregation distributing aid at 19 centers where members came to receive support (see pictures of some of them below).


Because of the drought, many of our members have lost their crops and hunger is commonplace. They are now focused on their crops of corn and sweet potatoes (see pictures below), to supplement their diet of bananas, water lilies, pumpkins, watermelon, cucumbers and other fruits. At all the relief centers, I heard people lamenting the fact that their crops may fail if rain does not come. Please pray it will.

During the aid delivery process, the people expressed their deep thanks, saying they thought they were going to die, but now have food to eat and seeds to plant more crops. GCI’s churches in Mozambique thank their brothers and sisters around the world for their support through giving and prayer.

One thought on “Mozambique relief”

  1. Our dear brothers, sisters you are in our hearts, thoughts and prayers.

    We love you.
    Carlton, Judy

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