This report is from Tim Maguire one of GCI’s Mission Developers in Africa.
I recently received news of an attack by rebel forces in Canivete, Mozambique. We have a church in that small town, and though members there have not been injured, two have had their homes burned down and have lost all their possessions. Please pray for peace and that sanity will prevail. If Mozambique returns to a state of civil war, it will set the country back decades, and sharing in our Lord’s ministry there will become extremely difficult. Words of encouragement can be sent to our members there by emailing

we are all with u spiritually as we always put you , church members, families and community in prayers.
from Moruleng congregation
Rustenburg, RSA.
Our dear brothers and sisters our heart’s are full of love for you and yours . We will not forget you, we are lifting you up in prayer.
Thy kingdom come Lord Jesus.
Carlton, Judy Green