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GenMin’s 2017 camp teaching tools

The Journey is the theme for GCI’s 2017 U.S. camps sponsored by Generations Ministries. To help its camps implement the theme, GenMin has produced multiple teaching tools, posted below in PDF and Word formats (click on the links to download).

  • Chapel messages: PDF and Word
  • Road Rule signs (to accompany chapel messages): PDF
  • Daily devotionals: PDF and Word
  • Follow-up Bible studies (in Mark 1): PDF and Word
  • Misc. resources (songs, prayer initiative, follow-up strategy): PDF and Word

We invite churches and ministries to utilize these resources locally. Here are some possibilities:

  • the chapel messages would make a good 5-part sermon series titled The Journey
  • the daily devotionals and follow-up Bible studies could be used in Sunday schools, discipleship classes and small group discussions.

GenMin urges congregations with teens attending a GCI camp this year to follow up by leading the campers through the follow-up Bible studies. Doing so will have two benefits: 1) provide a connection back to the congregation, and 2) help reinforce what the teens learned at camp.