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Outside the Walls in Mexico City

This update is from Heber Ticas, National Coordinator for GCI-USA Church Multiplication Ministries and ecclesiastical supervisor for GCI churches in Mexico and Spanish-speaking churches in the United States.

Outside The Walls (OTW) went to Mexico City in March. Church Multiplication Ministries (CMM) provided the OTW training and assisted GCI’s Mexico City church in conducting the OTW event. As with previous OTW events, pastors from sister churches participated with the host congregation, Promesa Cumplida (Fulfilled Promise), which is pastored by Nathanael Cruz.

The OTW training participants shared a year-long series of online conferences conducted by CMM National Coordinator, Heber Ticas. They then gathered in Mexico City for refresher training, and the OTW event, which focused on engaging the community surrounding the host congregation’s place of meeting. Joining in the event were Pastor Jose L. Seba from Tlaxcala, Mexico; Pastor Hector Barrero from Bogota, Colombia; and GCI-USA CAD director Greg Williams from Glendora, California.

The OTW event was a Family Fun Day held on Saturday. Before it began, members of the host congregation along with visiting pastors went into the community around the church to invite participation in the event. Attended by 148 people, the event was filled with fun activities for all ages. The congregation also offered free haircuts along with free medical, chiropractic, and dental check-ups. The reason for providing these services was to show God’s love with no strings attached. The Lord was clearly at work, transforming lives.

Those attending the OTW event from the community were invited to return the next day (Sunday) for a church service dedicated to blessing the family. Pastor Cruz preached an inspiring sermon concerning family, and the families in attendance joined in a circle and were prayed for. There were 73 people at this service, including 10 visitors who had participated in the Saturday Family Fun Day event.

Jesus is clearly on the move in that community, and Promesa Cumplida has joined in and started to “surf the wave” being generated by the Spirit. Let’s join together in praying for this congregation, and for all of our OTW congregations, asking the Lord to continue leading them forward in what they are doing to participate with him in his ongoing mission to their communities.

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