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Keysha Taylor

This is both a prayer request and and prayer report on behalf of Keysha Taylor, wife of Charles Taylor, lead pastor of one GCI’s Miami, Florida, area congregations. A few weeks ago during a surgical procedure, a growth was found in Keysha that contained leiomiosarcoma, a very rare and aggressive cancer. The growth was removed, but there was the lingering question as to whether or not more of the cancer was growing in her body. Prayer was requested, and just this week, Keysha had a PET scan to look for more of the cancer. We are prasing God that none was found! Charles sent us this comment before the scan was conducted:

We are truly believing that God revealed the cancer, healed her, and will be glorified in the process. We praise God for his loving miracle. Please pray that no more cancer will be found in her body, that the process with our health insurance will work out completely and that we can move forward in enjoying serving our wonderful God.

Kehysha, Charles and their three children.

Cards may be sent to:

Keysha and Charles Taylor
9650 Dunhill Dr
Miramar, FL 33025-3830

11 thoughts on “Keysha Taylor”

  1. Thanks for the update. So glad it’s looking good! We’ll be praying as requested, and greatly looking forward to seeing you all in Orlando! Love from Joanne and me.

  2. God is great! We praise Him for the shown grace. We are with you in thought and prayer.

    God for us, in us and through us.

  3. Kay and I are so happy your cancer has been removed and are praying that none returns. Praise God!

    We love you and miss you and your family!

  4. Here is a follow up report from Keysha recorded on her Facebook page on 3/12:

    The PET CT scan I was blessed to have showed NO CANCER in my pelvis. PRAISE GOD!!! NOW… the doctor did say my tonsils and lymph nodes appeared to have an infection, worst case, a strain of cancer. He wants to rule this out! Therefore, I am now waiting to have a biopsy on this and am believing the Lord will continue to show His mercy.
    My family and I are standing on the belief of that word He gave us at the onset of this trial/blessing.
    GOD showed us His grace and mercy and it is to HIM ALL THE GLORY BELONGS!!
    We thank you for your thoughts, prayers, loving support and believing with us.

  5. Hi Charles and Keysha, both Sandy and I are elated no cancer was found, we praise our wonderful God who knows us so well and comforts us in all our troubles. You have a beautiful family…God Bless!

    Tom and Sandy

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