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Bret Miller

Prayer is requested for Bret Miller, GCI’s IT Manager. As he reports below, Bret is facing new treatment for multiple myeloma. Thanks for joining us in prayer for Bret and his wife Julie.

Julie and Bret Miller

Recent tests show that the myeloma in my bone marrow has increased, so we’ve decided to start treatment to try to put the cancer into remission. The side effects are generally mild and I should be able to continue normal activity during the treatment, though “normal” will include twice weekly visits to the doctor. Assuming I’m responding well after two three-week cycles, I’ll be referred to City of Hope, where they’ll continue treatments until remission is achieved, followed by these three cycles of treatment (lasting a total of a couple of months):

  1. Stem cell collection (running my blood through a machine to harvest my good stem cells which will then be frozen).
  2. Admitted to the hospital for strong IV chemo that will essentially kill off my bone marrow. Following that, they will re-infuse my good stem cells. Then I stay in the hospital until significant recovery is observed—likely around three weeks.
  3. Maintenance. Once the above is done I’ll continue on drugs to keep me in remission.

Right now we’re awaiting approval for the tightly controlled drugs I need, and there are health insurance issues. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement during my ongoing battle with this. Julie and I both appreciate it.

Cards may be sent to:

Bret and Julie Miller
1328 Crofton Ct.
Upland, CA 91786

9 thoughts on “Bret Miller”

  1. Hi Brett
    Thank you for sharing. You will be in my prayers. Also that the insurance issues resolve to your needs.
    in Christ, Bharat Naker from Australia

  2. Bret and Julie, It sounds as if you have a solid plan of action to return to good health. I am amazed at the doctors and other resources that God has made available in our modern day. Of course, the best resource is God himself, so we will keep you in prayer as we see God work in all this.

  3. Hi Bret and Julie,
    Am praying that God bolsters your strength and courage as you battle this illness,and that the treatments are approved quickly and are totally successful. With our loving and caring God to give us help in time of need, nothing is impossible.
    Many Blessings,
    Paul Pronze

  4. Dear Bret and Julie,

    So sorry to hear about this health challenge.

    Please know that you are not taking this walk alone. There will be many around the world who will be praying for God’s mighty intervention. Keep your eyes on Jesus, our source of comfort and strength.

    In Him,
    Santiago and Elke

  5. Hello Bret, you are a survivor! We pray for healing and for encouragement from God during these times. We appreciate and love you! God bless you brother!


  6. So sorry to hear about your condition Brett. Hang in there. Nothing is too hard for our Lord is our great Healer. Praying for you and Julie.

  7. Prayers are going up for you and your family. GOD is more than able, HE is our healer and we will join you in trusting HIM.

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