Many GCI churches are celebrating the graduations of their teen and young adult members from high school, college, vocational schools, etc. Here are reports on celebrations in two GCI congregations.
Jenners, Pennsylvania
Here is a report from Bruce Metz, who pastors GCI’s Jenners congregation:
We recently celebrated the graduation of five high school students. They each selected a favorite song to be sung at the worship service. The sermon, from Acts 2, compared the birth of the New Testament Church as a new beginning to the graduates’ new beginning as they move forward in their lives. Though it was an exciting time for the first disciples as the church began with 3,000 new converts, it was also a bit scary. Just as the graduates are excited by their futures they too are a bit concerned about the unknowns ahead. Just as God empowered the New Testament Church with the Holy Spirit, he will empower the graduates by guiding their lives into the future. The congregation prayed for and presented gifts to all five graduates and then joined in a picnic honoring them after the church service.

Big Sandy, Texas
Here is a picture of the high school graduates honored by the Big Sandy congregation:

It is good to see the church honoring the accomplishments of our young people. As they seek work or consider going on to college it is important in an increasingly relativistic culture that we lovingly offer, as their extended family, continued support and guidance.
God for us, in us, and through us.