GCI congregations in the UK and Ireland gathered on June 17 for a denominational conference in Northampton, England. Guest speaker Gary Deddo (pictured at left) gave two presentations: “Worship and Witness: Life as if Jesus is Lord of the Church,” and “Worldview and Vocation: Life as if Jesus is Lord of All.” During the conference, GCI European Director James Henderson commissioned Gavin Henderson, Pete Mill and Barry Robinson as the 2019 National Ministry Team for the UK and Ireland.

Dear fellowpartners with Jesus Christ in the work He is doing for our Father through the Holy Spirit.
Gongratulations in your new upcoming responsibility as the UK and Ireland National Ministry Team. My prayers are with you asking the Holy Spirit`s guidance and wisdom and encouragemente are with you and your families as you endeavor to continue serving God’s people as a NMT.
Love and blessings from Brigida and me.
Pedro Rufian Mesa
Spain NML