Over the years, we have prayed for Carn Catherwood, GCI board member and former pastor and administrator. Carn recently sent the following update concerning recent health challenges.

For the past four months, I’ve had a spate of serious health issues. But now I can report some very good news. Over three months ago, I was diagnosed with a large tumor in the upper colon. In mid-May my Gastro-Enterologist performed major abdominal surgery to remove it. The procedure required a re-sectioning of my colon. Thankfully, the tumor, though large, turned out to be benign. Because of the complexity of the surgery, I was in the hospital for 11 days.
Barely three weeks later, probably because of the shock caused by the surgery to my system, I had the worst Afib/Heart Flutter episode I’ve ever had (I’ve had them periodically for over 30 years). One night my heart-rate was so rapid and irregular that I fainted—my tail-bone was cracked when I hit the floor. My wife Joyce took me to the ER, and as soon as I sat down on a bed my heart rate plummeted to zero, which meant that I had no pulse and was only a few minutes away from dying. A little Asian nurse did CPR compressions on my chest for several minutes and managed to get my heart started again twice. But as soon as it began to beat, my heart rate shot up again. My Cardiologist ordered an emergency heart ablation which was performed the next day. During an ablation a catheter is used to burn away the tissues of the heart that contain defective nerve pathways that cause the heart circuits to misfire. It’s a procedure with some risk and isn’t always successful. But mine was. Praise God.
After eight days in the ICU, I was released, feeling pretty beat-up and shaky. Slowly, my strength has been coming back. Today, three months later, my heart is beating normally and my Electrophysiologist feels the procedure was a success. There appears to be no lasting damage to my heart and the Cardiologist states it should keep me going “until you’re at least 100” (his words).
I am grateful to God for his love, his amazing grace and his presence during those crazy, very scary moments. To him be all the honor and the glory. My sincerest thanks to all of you for your love and prayers.
Cards may be sent to:
Carn and Joyce Catherwood 3941 Andrew Avenue Denton, TX 76210-3234
Dear Carn, so elated you have survived yet another severe challenge to life! Indeed God be praised. And may the doctor who said following a procedure “…that should keep you going until your at least 100,” or something to that effect, be a prophet! All blessings to you, Joyce, and family. Serge Volpe
Welcome back to the land of the living!
God is good! T
Dear Carn and Joyce,
Thanks so much for sharing God‘s grace with us in your lives. Over the years we may have all had our heavy loads to carry as we await the full freedom and restoration awaiting to be manifested when our Lord returns. I know that your path has been stony, but your courage and faith have been a source of comfort for many. And so, even in your pains, you have become a blessing to others. May our great God grant you peace and health in the days to come.
Praising Him,
Santiago and Elke
God is Good as they keep saying here in Memphis–seems little doubt that God was with you thru this whole ordeal and ordeal it was!!–Jesus (and Joyce) is always in the boat no matter how it rages outside, as you know better than most of us– –all the best and thanks for the example over the years–NE
Hello Carn and Joyce,
What a stressful period of time in your life. God is good and we rejoice in his love to both of you. He is taking care of you and we pray you will hit 100!
Love and grace,
Hans and Denise de Moei
Dear Mr. Catherwood, Happy to hear of your prognosis. You are more special to so many of us than I think you realize. Glen Purdy and I used to enjoy going over points you brought out in sermons or assemblies. On a lighter note: I recall your telling us of the time a lady came up to you and began speaking to you is some language you, for the moment, could not understand. Then she said, “Oh Mr. Catherwood, Have you forgotten your French?” All of a sudden every word was clear and you could converse fluently in French with her. I find in this story a parable of great value. Thanks again for all you have allowed our Lord to do through you and your wife.
My dear friend, so glad to hear you have come through this. The ordeal you’ve been through would take a lot out of any of us! May the gracious Lord Jesus Christ continue to hold you up. You are a blessing to this poor servant of his.
Dear Carn and Joyce,
Wonderful news of your recovery from a very scary situation! Our prayers go with you both.
Don & Alix
Carn, I think about you and pray for you often. Just recently, I was wondering how you have been doing. I’m sorry you’ve been through such a tough stretch, but I give God thanks that the eventual outcome for you was, overall, a positive one. To me, you are an amazing example of faith in God, and of graciousness and perseverance in times of trial (of which you have had many, I know). I pray you will have a lengthy “wide space” of peace and good health in the days ahead. Blessings to you and Joyce.
Thank you for your update on your health. Nancy and I consider you and Joyce to be some of the dearest people we have been blessed to know over the years. Your examples have helped us live and share Jesus’ gospel. We love you both. Ken and Nancy
Dear Catherwoods, our continued love,prayers & appreciations……truly “God is Good”!
COF/GCI Memphis
Carn and Joyce, you continue to be miracle survivors through the many health challenges, so God is NOT finished with you yet! When I think of long time faithful servants in our fellowship, it is easy to think of the Catherwoods. It has been an honor to have contacts with you folks over the years. We rejoice with you and thank the Good Lord! JR & Hazel
I’m so glad to hear of God’s strong intervention on your behalf. An wonderful blessing for us all. May the Holy Spirit continue to heal and strengthen you.
As so many before me have said, you are both very special people to so many of us. Sue and I send you our love and prayers for an ongoing recovery.
Carn and Joyce…..the Lord has always been, and continues to be the strength of your lives. We praise the Lord Jesus and our Loving Father for the grace gift of extended life they have given both of you. Thanks for the allowing the Faith of Jesus to fill you and thanks be to God for giving your the health victories. You both are an inspiration to all of us. You are loved by all here in Central Indiana.
Praise God! You are a living miracle. Hallelujah!!!
We join you in thanking God for making you strong not only physically but most of all spiritually. He is faithful to all of us, no matter what situation we are all in.
hi sir ..i read just now (oct2) what you have gone through in your health(which was very critical} and i am happy and thankful to GOD that you are recovering dramatically ..GOD is good all the time…
Hello Carn and Joyce,
Firstly we send our love to you both.
Very pleased to hear that have come through another health crisis.
Our Lord is keeping you alive so you can be a shining light in this world we live in.
I send greetings from the many old friends you have in Glendora.
How well we remember your encouraging sermons you gave us back in the 1980’s.
Please know the many send up prayers for both and your family.
Roger and Anthea
Dear Carn and Joyce,
My wife and I thank you for sharing your recent health ordeal. Your report leads us to thank our loving Father for taking care of you so graciously once again. God is good without measure and He certainly takes care of His people. We will continue praying for your total recovery. Love and blessings to you both.
Carn and Joyce,
Our Triune God is so good. We praise Him. Even when we were so much into legalism you two had the bigger picture in mind. I remember you, Carn, mentioning that often times Joyce would be giving Godly counselling to those in need, when you felt you weren’t much help. That’s teamwork. I just knew that you would embrace the New Covenant when it came our way. I just could not image you becoming bitter. I was always encouraged and inspired by your messages. I continue to pray for you and Joyce and the family.