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Death of GCI pastor

We were saddened to learn of the recent death of Charles Akowuah, GCI pastor and church board member in Ghana, Africa.

Following a few years of ill health, Charles died at home on August 12 at age 77. He is survived by his wife Comfort, their son Richard and four grandchildren.

Charles was baptized in 1970, becoming the first GCI member in Ghana. He and his wife then served as the first administrators of GCI (then WCG) in Ghana. Charles pastored the congregation in Kusami and served on the Board of the church in Ghana for nearly 20 years. In recognition of this meritorious service, the church presented to Charles and his wife a citation in 2017 during the last church convention he attended.

Upon learning of Charles’ passing, David Bedford, one of the pastors who had served in Ghana, wrote this:

It is a sad day for the church in Ghana. Charles played such a large part in the early years of the church in Ghana and continued to do so for many years until his death. He is a great example for anyone who is serving God and his people. It is a great comfort to know about a future resurrection and what a wonderful reunion that will be for all of us. Charles was faithful and hopeful to the end of his life.

Charles’ funeral is scheduled for October 20, 2018.

One thought on “Death of GCI pastor”

  1. Dear Comfort, Richard, and family,

    We are saddened to hear about this great loss. Our prayers are with all of you. As you look back you will surely be proud of the many contributions Charles was able to make for the sake of the Kingdom. As you look forward, even in your grief, we pray that your hearts will take comfort in knowing that you will see Charles again at the greatest celebration in the universe.

    In Him,
    Santiago Lange

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