GCI Update
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TIC Summit

As noted by Greg Williams in his cover letter in this issue, 52 GCI members gathered recently in Columbus, OH, for Together in Christ 2018. This is the second year TIC has been held (it met last year in Atlanta). The purpose of the summit was to address issues related to reconciling people both within and beyond GCI across the boundaries that tend to divide us (things like race, gender, age, ethnicity, socio-economic class, etc.). Those attending represented the wide diversity found within the GCI-USA membership (attendance was by invitation, to achieve the desired diversity and to stay within the limited capacity of meeting venues).

Various voices—young and old; black, brown and white; female and male—spoke into small and large group discussions with a focus on the message of reconciliation in Christ found in 2 Corinthians 5:16-6:2. The discussions were sparked by a group visit to the National Underground Freedom Center in Cincinnati, OH (for reflections on that visit from GCI Pastor Linda Rex, click here).

Posted in a Freedom Center display addressing the scourge of black African slavery in the U.S.

Here is a short video from the summit, beginning with the visit to the Freedom Center, followed by the closing worship service (held at GCI’s congregation in Columbus, one of the TIC hosts).

3 thoughts on “TIC Summit”

  1. We were meant for community living and it is within that context that much can be learned. As that very old proverb goes, “iron shapens iron”, specially when the process is honed, refined and molded by the Holy Spirit. Wonderful!

  2. What a wonderful blessing for brothers and sisters to come to our Lord Jesus in love, peace, joy .
    Thank you Lord .

  3. Sojourner Truth’s quote (I cried out with my mother’s grief. None but Jesus heard me) touched me deeply. It echoes even today. There is so much crying out there looking for deliverance. Only Jesus has the answer. It was a blessing to be a participant of the summit. Thank you to our church leaders for creating a safe place where we can converse and seek ways to get engaged in a grace filled, Christ centered way.

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