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Devotional – Inner Peace

Inner PeaceAnd the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Jesus Christ (Philippians 4:7).

The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, is speaking of inner peace, contentment that comes from God and is found in Jesus Christ. When Paul wrote the letter to the Philippians, he was imprisoned, yet as with many of his letters, his greetings began with grace and peace. This was not Paul’s grace and peace, but rather, it was from God and that which is found in Jesus Christ.

Jesus promised to leave his peace with us, saying we would have troubles in this world. Peace is not the absence of troubles. Paul faced extreme adversity during his life, yet he learned to be content. Paul’s desire to know Christ was above all else. He had a focus and such passion for knowing Jesus, he was willing to suffer the loss of many things. As inspired by Paul, may we focus our thoughts on Jesus, daily learning more about his life, his death and the power of his resurrection. Paul shared this with such joy, may we also share the joy of knowing Jesus and live in the peace that is found in the knowledge of him.

Lord, we pray for the peace of God to be with us and in us, a peace that transcends human understanding. Help us Lord to fix our eyes on Jesus and not on our troubles, and to pray always with thankfulness.

Daphne Sidney Portrait


By Daphne Sidney

5 thoughts on “Devotional – Inner Peace”

  1. Hi Daphne, it was great meeting you in Charlotte back in October. Enjoyed this devotional very much today!

  2. Daphne,

    Our sufficiency in Christ is indeed comfort when life seems to derail. Thanks for this meaningful reminder.

    Every blessing,

  3. Thanks Daphne for this encouraging devotional/reminder especially NOW as we see ALL around us much turmoils & uncertainties.

  4. Hi Daphne,

    Thank you for reminding us of the Peace that is only found in Jesus Christ Himself, in Him alone is Our Peace. Without Him there is no Real Peace between God and Man and between mankind now. In this One is where we all must must be renewed in daily and come together as One.

    William Miller

  5. It is very reassuring that we can depend on Chist who knows us better than we know ourselves. These are difficult times and we must remember that it is GOD who is in control. It is HIS story,not ours that is played out in life. When I comtemplate the trials of mankind and where we are at in history,be it the minimization of God and the skeptics of our learning institutions and the attempt to oust God out of the picture,it is comforting to know,that some of us can still think critically in this age of nonbelievers.

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