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Crossing Borders Winter 2018 Trip

Fully Engaged in Mission

Crossing Borders attendees group photo

December 7-10, 2018 marked the 26th trip into Mexico for Crossing Borders—a GCI-chartered missions team. As we’ve done on previous winter trips, we were able to personally distribute hundreds of shoebox gifts filled with necessary and fun items to the children.

Crossing Borders Lee and PedroOur group of 21 missionaries included some experienced hands and several who were brand-new to the missions experience. We had our first expectant mother on the trip—and we pampered her. And for a man and woman who met online only a month before, this mission trip was their “first date”—the first time they had spent time together in person.

Crossing Borders Kids at FernandoOur theme was “Engage”—for each person on our missions team to make special effort to be alert, involved and engaged in every aspect of the trip. Whether loading shoeboxes into the vans, singing songs at a church, listening to a Bible message, taking photos of the children and their families, visiting one-on-one with a child or church leader, eating a meal together, or sharing worship in our chapel service—to be fully engaged in what is going on, what God is providing at that moment.

Crossing Borders Crowd learns songs at MartaI wish each of you could be with us to see the smiles and hear the squeals of joy from the kids, to see the looks of gratitude from the parents, and to share the heartfelt conversations with our Mexican ministry partners.

We always take special resources with us to share on these trips. It might be a Bible commentary or an inspirational book for a pastor or orphanage leader, boxes of craft items that can be assembled and sold by the people to create some added income for their households, or songs or a drama that we perform during our trip.

Crossing Borders Kids Dressed Up as Angels at Marta Nativity SceneOn this trip, the children at one of the churches staged a skit of the biblical birth story of Jesus with full costumes. As we watched them tell the story, we realized that they were performing the skit based on the text of a printed flyer we had inserted into all the shoebox gifts last year. So they had utilized this resource to involve their own children learning and sharing the Gospel. God multiplies the resources!

Crossing Borders Shoe boxes at JuanitaWe are so thankful for all those who participate by sending boxes and praying for the mission trips. Your support makes a great positive difference in the lives of hundreds of people who need to see God’s love in action. Muchas Gracias!

Our next trip week-long trip is scheduled for June 22-30, 2019, with details on www.cbmission.org. Come join us or tell a friend!

P.S. We are in need of attendees who speak Spanish and can serve as translators. We also need someone to stay at the base camp and serve as our cook/camp host. If the Holy Spirit pricks your heart to consider serving in either of these ways, please contact Lee Berger at 903-746-4463.