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A Praise Report for Patama Banks

Leonard and Patama Banks

I want to thank you all for the continued prayers for my wife over the past 6 months for her trial with Lymphoma cancer. We are pleased to update you with the news we got yesterday that the cancer is gone from her body. This is called remission, not a trace of a cancer cell in her body. The doctor showed us the first images back in September of 2019 of her PET scan in comparison to the ones yesterday. It is a miracle that all the areas are free of cancer cells.

I am grateful for the wonderful team of doctors and specialist that helped us get through this. We are eternally grateful for our Father in heaven who gives out this wisdom to human beings to be able to help us. To God be the Glory for all he does in our lives!

Patama is still weak. She lost 26 pounds and is going through physical therapy to help get her muscle strength back. She will be going through radiation in three weeks (10 straight days) to be sure that the cells around the spine where the cancer was are dead.

This has been a wild ride for us both (mainly her) and I know God was and is still holding me up. When I didn’t know what to pray for or even how to pray, you all were making intercession for us, I know this because many of you told me.

This could easily become a book, but I want to end by saying we love you all and are honored to call you all friends.

Leonard & Patama
GC Rochester, NY Pastor

11 thoughts on “A Praise Report for Patama Banks”

  1. Thank you for sharing your joy Leonard! We rejoice with you and Patama. All praise to our God, Father Son and Spirit. Hallelujah!!!

  2. We rejoice with you! While we know that God’s love and purposes go beyond every human comprehension, even in our darkest moments, this report is a wonderful encouragement to those who turn in hope to the Great Healer when facing infirmities and difficult life challenges. Miracles do still happen!

  3. Thank God for this miracle and the many blessings ahead for you and Patama! What a mighty God we serve!

  4. Thanks for your praise report, this is very inspirational to me but I’m sure it’s more so for you knowing that your wife is cancer free. I will continue praying for the success of the upcoming treatment and we always know that God is present.

  5. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! We rejoice together with you, our brother and sister in Christ.

  6. What a thrill it always is to read reports like this and find another reason to praise our gracious Father! So thankful for your huge turnaround in this crisis. Continued hope, well-wishes and prayers for you and Patama.


  8. To God be the glory and the honor for ever and ever! My wife and me rejoice with you and Patama. We will continue praying God’s continue healing blessings are with Patama. Blessings and Love from my wife and me.

  9. What a blessing – thank you for sharing your good news so we can celebrate with you!!

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