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Daphne Sidney Installed as Superintendent, Australasia

With much joy and celebration, Daphne Sidney was installed as the new Superintendent for Australasia. This milestone was a high point of the Australasian conference/celebration weekend and was performed during church services in Brisbane on Sunday, February 16th before a packed hall of enthusiastic worshippers. GCI President Greg Williams and his wife Susan were with us, and it was a special honour to have Greg pray over Daphne as hands were laid on her to appoint her into this role.

Daphne’s extensive experience includes pastoral ministry in Australia, India and the Solomon Islands. Her husband Bill was previously Regional Director in the Philippines, where Daphne earned a Master’s Degree and was deeply involved in ministry and mission. The plan for an intentional, prayerful, patient and professional succession for Daphne into the Superintendent’s role has been underway for the past three years, said retiring Superintendent John McLean. “She has served in various capacities in the national office, most recently as Supervisor of ministry for the past year. Daphne has a real heart for God, and for people,” he said. “She brings great experience in ministry and mission to the role. Daphne is a life-long learner, who really reflects Jesus in her Christ-like desire to serve the interest of others. She will do an excellent job as Superintendent’.

John passed a musical conductor’s baton to Daphne, rather than a relay baton, signifying that leadership is not a solo effort. GCI supports a service-driven, team-based model, which includes harmonizing the gifts and talents of others, and is orchestrated by the Holy Spirit.

President Williams commented on the positive spirit of friendship, fellowship and warm love that was evident among the group. He followed up after the conference, leading two days of Community of Practice meetings with Daphne in her new role.

There was a great spirit of enthusiasm, joy, and celebration for Daphne as we go forward together, participating in the faith, hope, and love of Jesus.

John McLean



6 thoughts on “Daphne Sidney Installed as Superintendent, Australasia”

  1. Congratulations Daphne!

    This orderly transition was exemplary both in the making and in the implementation. Bill is surely a proud husband. Our gratefulness goes, also of course, to John McLean for his excellent leadership as he moves on to concentrate on his gifted teaching minstry.

  2. Congratulations Daphne – so glad and thankful to have you on the team!!!

  3. Congratulations to Daphne and to those who recognized her natural and God-given abilities for this important responsibility in Christian leadership. Our prayers go with her as she continues in her journey with Christ in service to his people.

  4. Congratulations Ma’am! Thank You Mr McLean. Our prayers are with you and the leadership.

  5. Congratulations, Daphne! So wonderful to hear that you are continuing to serve God and his children. You’ve always had an attitude of service ever since college. My best to you!

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