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GC Woodbine Relaunch

In December 2019, the Woodbine, Georgia congregation moved into our new location and held our first service Dec. 8th, with 32 in attendance. There was a wonderful spirit of enthusiasm and bonding, and willingness to grow in the Lord.

The new location is in a church building with a sanctuary, baptistry, kitchen and dining room, and three classrooms. It is located along the main highway coming from the Interstate into town. It costs us only $400 a month, plus utilities.

The second Sunday, Dec. 15th, we had 41 in attendance, and all the households who came to the first service returned except for one couple. After the church service, we had a baptism, group lunch, and gift presentation for our newly baptized member. Prior to the relaunch, we were a fellowship group averaging just 11 people per month. The response and return from the community was encouraging to our members.

After three months now, we have an average attendance of 29-30 each Sunday. We’ve had one baptism, and two ordinations of ministry leaders, a deacon and deaconess couple. There are five new families attending regularly, and two other families who have returned twice so far, and will probably continue sporadically. We usually have 7-8 kids each Sunday, sometimes more. Our local elder has started a weekly Bible study on Wednesday night, and one of the members has started a food bank.

We still have a long way to go, and it won’t be easy to keep the momentum going and growing. But so far, so good. We are thankful for the Lord’s blessing and the new people he has sent our way!


Marty Davey

2 thoughts on “GC Woodbine Relaunch”

  1. Great news! Sounds to me that you are on a roll. “Give them a place, and they will come” (reflecting on the film “Field of Dreams”). Keep heating up the vision.

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