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Birth Announcement for Zade Davey Thomas

Marty & Yvonne Davey are excited to announce the birth of their grandchild, Zade Davey Thomas, born to their daughter Michelle Thomas and her husband Ric Thomas, of Gainesville, FL on April 25, 2020. All are healthy and doing well. Marty & Yvonne pastor the Jacksonville, FL and the Woodbine, GA GCI churches, and Michelle is a Teen Ministry Leader for the Jacksonville congregation.

4 thoughts on “Birth Announcement for Zade Davey Thomas”

  1. Congratulations!

    May the Lord guide Zade all the days of his life bringing much glory to the Father in the walk of the Spirit.

    Santiagio and Elke

  2. Congratulations, Marty and Yvonne, on the new grandchild. Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Irene Wright, GCI Houston, TX.

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