Eleven members of GC Oriental Mindoro were baptized by Pastor Bernardo “Narding” Cuizon on July 26, 2020.
The newly baptized members are: Ipan Lay-ayan, Ita Gay-ayan, Alyas Salayaw, Adones Gay-ayan, Leony Lin-iman, Asonn Gay-atan, Sima Gay-ayan, Dimi Ipoy, Yumis Lin-iman, Lalyn Yumyan, and Idong Amay.

Let us all welcome our new siblings in the fellowship!
“Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.”- Luke 15:7 (ESV)
Gemma Venus
Pastor, GCI Manila South
Pastor, GCI Manila South
Our congratulations to the “eleven” 🙂 The Lord bless and guide you.
Praise the Lord for our newly baptized brothers and sisters!!
Welcome to THE FAMILY