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Death of Isei Colati

Isei and Vasiti Colati at the 2017 Orlando FL GCI Denominational Conference.
Isei and Vasiti Colati at the 2017 Orlando FL GCI Denominational Conference.

It is with great sadness we report the sudden death Saturday, August 7, of Fiji’s senior pastor, Isei Colati, from complications associated with Covid-19. Known widely for his caring and friendly way, Isei and his wife Vasiti served primarily the Suva congregation but travelled extensively and regularly also to visit and encourage the smaller congregations and members scattered across Fiji.

Because of the pandemic lockdown in Fiji, Isei’s funeral service, led by Suva elder Jope Uqeuqe on Wednesday, August 11, was restricted to just five but was live streamed widely on Facebook and was watched also in the USA, Australia and New Zealand. Eulogies for the family were read by Isei’s grandsons, Jiuta Jr. and Jese Wainibuli, and for the church by long-time member Frank Boyd. The service, despite its restrictions, was a dignified and fitting tribute to Isei’s 40 years of service in the church, the last 15 years as Fiji’s pastoral leader.

Isei’s loving way and care to detail, his rich base voice and booming, cheerful “Bula!” are sorely missed.

Dennis Richards
GCI Regional Director New Zealand & South Pacific

Cards and condolences may be sent to his wife:

Mrs Vasiti Colati
GPO Box 16697






2 thoughts on “Death of Isei Colati”

  1. Dear Vasiti,

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. Isei will be missed. His faithful service in the Lord surely made a positive difference. May the light he shared continue to shine brightly in the lives touched by his ministry.

    In Him,
    Santiago and Elke

  2. We are saddened by this news-we always looked forward to seeing you at International Conferences. Your smiles always made us feel like family, even though language was a challenge. One conference, I admired your beautiful shell necklace you had made and you took it off & gave it to me-a beautiful gesture of love, that I share with friends & our church family! Vasiti, may God fill you with His strength and peace. Tears, prayers and love, Dan & Priscilla Krupp

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