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Prayers for Abner Washington

We join Ron Washington in requesting prayers for his father, Abner Washington. Abner was a long time pastor in the church and is currently serving as an Assistant Pastor in Indianapolis, Indiana. His son Ron pastors our church in Livonia, Michigan.

Abner was taken to the hospital recently to diagnose some ailments he has been suffering. The diagnosis came back today. Abner has stage 4 prostate cancer, which has also metastasized into his spine. There is not much they can do except alleviate his discomfort and provide wellness of life. He is being released from the hospital today and will be starting on a couple chemo pills to try to stop the cancer from spreading. The doctors said Abner is strong and they feel good about controlling the cancer’s spread. He will be on this regimen for a couple weeks to see how it is going. Prayers for Abner, Sharon and the family are appreciated as he goes through this regimen.

Cards may be sent to:

Abner Washington
PO Box 40715
Indianapolis, IN 46240-0715

10 thoughts on “Prayers for Abner Washington”

  1. So sorry to hear about Abner’s health condition. Our prayers are with him, his wife Sharon, and the entire family. Very thankful for the many years that Abner has served our Lord and our fellowship.

  2. Abner, Sharon, Ron, Donna & I will be adding you to our Prayer List. As we “age” [I like to think of wine, and trust we’re only getting better!] we pray for many more of the Saints! May the Beautiful Triune God bless you all….and come SOON. Briscoe & Donna

  3. Thankful for your calling and service used by God to shepherd many in Christ. God bless.

  4. You and your son, Ron, have been long time faithful servants of our loving, grace filled God. Lifting you and your family in prayers. 🙏🏻

  5. Our prayers are with Abner and his family. Carmen and I have wonderful memories of his visit — back in the late 1970’s — to Jamaica. We were at the very beginning of our ministry and deeply appreciated his encouragement and advice… as well as his great love for life. May the joy of the Lord continue to be your strength, Abner!

  6. Add me to the list “ big Brother “ your race and friendship ( especially the fun and laughter) has been a good example for me Love you man. Earl Broadnax

  7. So thankful for all the love from Abner and Sharon over the years, smiles and laughter shared and the wonderful messages received. May God continue to bless every step of your journey for you know him with whom you walk and he absolutely knows you.

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