Dear CB alumni and friends,
Crossing Borders (CB) mission ministry had to cancel our past three scheduled trips, and our planning team has decided that we will need to also cancel the trip we would normally schedule for December 2021.
As you would suspect, the COVID situation and increased instability at the border area are the major reasons. COVID cases in the U.S. have been reaching new high points, and the conditions in Mexico are worse than in our country. Although the border is open for two-way travel by U.S. citizens, our on-the-border partners tell us it is not yet safe to do so—especially with a group.
We cannot predict exactly what the situation may be like on the border by December, but looking at current trends, our planning team does not feel it is wise to bring a mission team to the border until the situation improves. We have considered a variety of ideas for an alternative mission trip/event, but no idea seems safe and feasible for the current conditions. There is not even a practical way for us to collect the shoebox gifts and get them shipped or delivered across the border under the current conditions.
This is heart-breaking for those of us who regularly plan and attend the mission trips. We will miss seeing our dear friends in person for at least another several months. For those who have faithfully contributed shoebox gifts over the years, we ask you to hold off for this time—but please don’t give up on CB. God willing, we will again be hosting in-person mission trips as soon as possible.
As we have been doing for the past 18 months, our planning team will continue to make extra efforts to remain in connection with our border partners and to communicate encouragement to them—they need it in their tough times.
Prayer Requests & Updates:
A storm went through Nuevo Laredo in the springtime damaging the area, which still remains, to some extent, in disrepair.
- Sister Juanita Lopez runs a home for 20 or so children, who are always in need of supplies.
- Casa Hogar Douglas, the children’s home that Pastor Rendon and his wife Lupita run, is in need of some major repairs, including a lost roof and fence, and extensive water damage. The Mexican government will not assign them children to care for again until these repairs are made.
Pastor Fernando and his wife Nora lost their roof in the storms. They both are facing critical medical issues, including Fernando’s battle with long-haul Covid symptoms. They also have a dire need for a vehicle. Besides pastoring his fairly large church, Pastor Fernando has to work various other jobs in order to make a living, and he needs a new vehicle to do his work.
- The Rodriguez family is our “adopted family” ever since we built them a home in 2012. We would love to be able to help them build a basic, necessary addition to their home.
Pastor Pedro and his wife Lourdes are starting a new church several hours inland from the border. They could use help with stages of construction for the church.
- Con Mis Manos is a school and home for deaf children and otherwise challenged adults. The students and the very dedicated staff have a special place in our hearts. They are in need of basic supplies.
- Pastor Ray and his wife Lisa are still living at camp Laredo Stepping Stone on the U.S. side of the border while he continues to pastor his church in Mexico. Their church building needs repairs from storm damage and they are trying to help church and community members in their area with basic needs.
We’d appreciate your prayers for all the folks mentioned as they endure some very challenging times.
The CB team will continue to communicate with our friends across the border and support them as best we can from afar. CB missionaries are anxious to get back to the border and continue our relationships with our ministry partners in person as soon as possible. May God bless you and yours with his amazing grace and love.
Lee Berger and the CB Team
The terrible USA border crisis has been in our thoughts and prayers. Hopefully, the leaders of the country will exercise wisdom and begin implementing sound solutions in what has become a monumental challenge.