In the January 11 Update issue, Greg Williams announced that Rose Hamrick was joining the home office staff as Chief Financial Officer (CFO), and we provided her professional bio for readers. Now, to help you get to know Rose even more, we asked her a series of fun and personal questions.

Describe the moment when you knew you would say yes to this position as CFO?
When I consulted with the Holy Spirit. Almost immediately when I began to pray about it, the Holy Spirit whispered, “Yes, this is why the answer was ‘no’ before and ‘not yet’ at other times, for such a time as this. This is what I was preparing you for.” I had another career opportunity to move to Charlotte next door to the home office with another company 7 years prior.

What have you sacrificed to take this role?
Seeing my family each day, particularly my grandchildren.
You’ve been working at the Home Office for a couple of months now. What’s been the biggest surprise?
How much joy and laughter are in the hallways and throughout the office each day.
Was there a key moment when you realized God had given you a gift for business management and finance?
When I was asked to serve as CFO of GCI. Seriously, it’s been a gradual process and realization throughout the years in my career, in my service in the church and the community and in my family. I naturally gravitated to all things having to do with business or finance and always asked to serve in the capacity of one, the other or both.

How would your family members describe you?
I decided to ask my family. These are their responses: you love the Lord, are God-fearing and kind, patient and honest, always smiling and positive, genuinely love helping everyone, spiritually grounded, empathetic toward others and always available to listen, loving and faithful.
Name one of your favorite books—and you can’t say the Bible.
I have two: They Walked with God by Max Lucado and Faith Walk by Rose M. Hamrick. It’s not one of my favorites because I wrote it, but because God inspired it, and it highlighted his power and provision.

If you’ve had a particularly trying day, what’s your favorite thing to do to unwind?
Sit quietly and meditate.
What’s the best thing about being a grandmother?
Spending time with and watching my three grandsons’ growth, development, and personalities.
Wonderful to have you on the team ! May the Lord bless your work to the glory of our heavenly Father.