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Ordination of Cielo & Peter Dela Cruz

Join us in congratulating Attorney Cielo and Peter Ben Dela Cruz on their ordination as elders!

On December 18, Pastor Audie Santibanez officiated the ordination of Cielo. That same day, Peter Ben was ordained and installed as senior pastor of GCI Metro East Manila (MEM) by Mario Natividad. Mario, who has served as senior pastor for many years, has passed the baton and will be serving in an advisory role. We’re very grateful to Mario for his faithful service and for equipping and empowering the next generation.

Read the interview below to get to know Cielo and Peter.

Did you grow up in GCI?
Yes, Peter’s parents met in GCI while attending Manila church. Cielo’s mother also attended the Manila church when she was single. After marriage, she raised her children in GCI even though her husband was a Catholic.

How long have you been part of GCI MEM?
Cielo since 2012, and Peter since 2015

How long have you been married?
7 years

Do you have any children?
Our daughter, Tanya Samantha, is 6 years old.

Do you work in the community in addition to pastoring the church?
Peter is a Computer Science graduate and works as a software engineer. Cielo is a full-time homemaker and works part-time as a lawyer.

Additionally, we try to involve ourselves in our village association projects, and we have a small-scale project called “MakeItCount.” Due to the pandemic, we see more people suffering, and our family decided we can do something, even if it’s small scale. Since 2021, we aim to cook and give out free food packs to at least 30 unhoused people once a week.Who has mentored you?
Pastor Gil and Carol Llaneza and Pastor Audie and Rachel Santibanez have been a mentor to Cielo. Pastor Andrew Teng, Russell and Teena Meimban, and Pastor Aron Tolentino have mentored Peter.

One thought on “Ordination of Cielo & Peter Dela Cruz”

  1. Congratulations !!! May the Lord magnify His ministry in and through you.

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