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Learning to Live as the Sent Church

In John 20:21, Jesus shares with us his mission of being sent. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we have been sent. How many of us know that? How many of us understand what that means? In Cincinnati, we are aware that we have been sent. But we do not fully understand what that looks like, so we have prayed that the Lord would lead us in being sent. We have asked him to teach us and help us walk in that reality.

Last year, we began to visit a local nursing home. As a group, we visited each resident in a particular wing and delivered Christmas gifts. We introduced ourselves to each resident and asked if we could pray for them. No one refused. In fact, most were eager and visibly touched that we would care for them in such a way. We have continued to participate in loving the residents of this local nursing home. We visit each month and are considering increasing our visits. Word has spread in the home about this church that visits and prays with the residents. One of the nurses recently asked about our church and expressed interest in visiting.

Here we have learned to pray for one another, to sit and listen, to laugh together, to cry together, to witness to God’s love and care, and to be the church. We have learned that God is presently working in the lives of others and is constantly inviting us to join him – not to fix their problems, but to love them in his name. We have learned the joy of boldly sharing Jesus and loving others without ulterior motives. We have learned that we are the church, and we have been sent.

Julie Frantz, pastor
Cincinnati East & West, OH, US

2 thoughts on “Learning to Live as the Sent Church”

  1. Yes! We do understand We are a Sent Church! Making connections and building relationships in our community!

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