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Neighborhood Camp UK

We started planning Adventure Camp in Market Harborough, UK, a year in advance. In fact, we had a meeting during camp this year for camp next year! We spent many hours in meetings, processing forms, risk assessments, schedules, staffing, accommodation planning, kitchen prep and food shopping, getting the right equipment, technology and more. And then it’s just gone in a flash.

In that flash though – in what was a moment in time – we really did fit in a lot. The days were filled with activities such as archery, conservation, Christian Living, Lego, Zumba, tie-dye, and prayer-craft. Each activity was just an hour in length but so full, rich and joyful. The evening activities were very messy games, which included the egg smash, the flour chain, word games with alphabet spaghetti, and the foam and cheese puff challenge! We also enjoyed movie night, disco, and a campfire sing-along. Memories were made in these evenings that will last forever.

The mornings started with a worship service – engaging and interactive – introducing Jesus, for the first time to some of our kids, and reminding others how much he loves them and wants to be a part of their lives. The kids lifted their voices in worship, and some participated throughout camp with prayers. These were just moments also, but our hopes and prayers are that these small interactions with Jesus will have a deep and lasting impact on these children that will stay with them every day of their lives, as it does with us.

The feedback from the kids was very positive. The biggest request was to have a longer camp. One suggested camp could be six weeks long! However fleeting Adventure Camp may have been, we know the experiences, the opportunities, the friendships, the interactions, and the introductions have left deep impressions. The memories they have won’t be fleeting but will last a lifetime.

By Alexis Luckhoo, Administrator of Europe Office
Market Harborough, UK