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Devotional—Rooted in Love

Editor’s Note: For our Ordinary Time Devotional series, you are hearing entirely from young authors. They are sharing their perspectives on the theme, “God is in the streets.” Enjoy reading how the next generation of emerging GCI leaders experiences God outside the walls of the Sunday church gathering.

God is present in our relationships. When I’m with my loved ones, I feel God’s presence. We were made as an outpouring of the love of the Trinity, to love and share love. When I’m living into that reality, I feel more in tune with God and with those around me.

cheerful multiracial friends and family holding hands and praying together at Thanksgiving tableGod is in the streets, walking with me and my friends as we explore coffee shops and bookstores. God is at the dinner table during Thanksgiving as my family shares a meal. God is standing with me at my grandma’s hospital bedside when I say, “Goodbye for now. I love you.” God was with me when I looked into my wife’s eyes and said I do.

There isn’t a time when God leaves me alone. But when I’m with my loved ones, whatever the circumstance, it’s easier for me to feel the presence of the God who is love.

And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:17b-19 NIV

Prayer: God, thank you for your immeasurable love from which we were formed and for your goodness in making us in your image, to call us your children. Thank you for giving us the calling to love one another and share your gospel as we go about our lives with all people. Amen.

By Andrew Rakestraw
Tallahassee, FL, US

4 thoughts on “Devotional—Rooted in Love”

  1. Thank you Andrew for reinforcing that God is with us every minute of the day, whether alone or with others, He walks with us! I feel his presence more when I am in and studying nature, it makes my heart fill with praise & song! Really enjoyed your devotional-title is spot on!

  2. Andrew, thank you for sharing… I feel as you do that, the moments I spend among those whom God has placed in my life are when I often feel God’s presence most strongly. Our Creator wired us for relationship, so it’s natural that we feel his presence so strongly at these times when we are living out our purpose in community. Thanks again!

  3. Thanks Andrew for reminding us of the Love of God given to us now to share with one another, that will shine forth Brightly in contrast to a world in darkness, not yet given eyes to see the Light all around us in acts of kindness and faith!

  4. You hit it on the head, Andrew …… We see & feel God in relationships. As we befriend and love on others, we bring them a bit closer to Jesus. Thanks for writing this article. Proud of you, son(in-law) 🤗.

    💙Stacey/Mom Meade💚

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