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Prayer Update

In December, I was diagnosed with tumours on my right lung through an imaging scan. The outlook was bleak as the doctor gave no signs of hope. Then I saw an oncologist in a Kuala Lumpur hospital where another scan was performed. After the scan, I was not allowed to go home as my hemoglobin levels had fallen drastically. I was in bad shape as I was very weak and coughing constantly. I was hospitalized immediately and received a blood transfusion to raise my hemoglobin levels.

The next day the oncologist delivered the news that the scan showed that no other parts of my body were affected. Then I received a ray of hope from the Lord; the oncologist said that from his observation, the tumours could be removed surgically.

The surgeon confirmed that the tumours could be removed surgically. By God’s grace it happened that he was the best thoracic (specializing in the organs of the chest) surgeon in the country. On January 13, the day I was supposed to leave for the GCI gathering in the Philippines, I had the surgery to remove the tumours. Though I was in the intensive care unit the first day, my recovery was without any complications, and I was back home by the end of the week to rest and recuperate.

Genetic tests were performed on the tumors to determine whether I was likely to respond to a certain targeted therapy. Based on the tests, the oncologist prescribed a specific oral medication. I need to take these capsules for some time as a precautionary measure to prevent the cells from replicating. No other treatment is necessary.

I’m steadily improving and regaining strength. I have returned to normal activities and exercise—though for the moment, I’m doing brisk walking rather than running. Also, I’ve returned to my pastoral duties. But I missed seeing everyone in the Philippines.

God’s intervention was apparent; he reached out and pulled me out of the pit when all hope was against me. The situation was so bad that I thought my time was up. But God rescued me in the most miraculous way and restored me.

Thank you so much for all your prayers. Our great triune God has heard all your prayers.

By Devaraj Ramoo, Pastor

6 thoughts on “Prayer Update”

  1. Thank you for sharing your story! Praising God for his healing, love and provision for you.

  2. Dear Devaraj,
    I am so happy to hear about God‘s wonderful providence and intervention in your life. As someone who has been struggling with a similar situation your witness is very encouraging.

    Praised be the Lord!

    Every blessing,

  3. Our family was wonderfully blessed to worship God with Malaysian brothers & sisters at a festival back in 1984. We praise & thank God for His mercy in your life!

  4. Hallelujah! God be praised for his mercy and love! Devaraj, thank you for sharing your testimony of healing and God’s provision. May your lungs continue to be clear and healthy.

  5. Wonderful news! Continued blessings to you Devaraj! Grace and peace brother!

  6. Praise God for blessing and encouraging us all through your testimony of his goodness and love!

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