GCI Update
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UK and Ireland ACCM

It is important that our church leaders are equipped, confident, theologically aware, and spiritually attuned if they are going to model Christ and lead our members to be the healthiest expression of church that we can be. Most of our leaders in the United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland do not have theological training and, of course, not everyone has the time in their busy schedules, nor the inclination to pursue an accredited qualification. That’s where the Ambassador College of Christian Ministry (ACCM) has proved invaluable to us.

This less formal and more flexible approach to the students’ studies, whilst maintaining academic rigour, has been pitched at just the right level for our needs. While challenging, the modules are accessible to students with varying levels of education.

Over the past few years, we have had a group of ministers, congregational leaders, and regular speakers who have benefited from working through various ACCM modules together as a cohort. Their individual study is complemented by monthly Zoom meetings where they discuss the key points of the lesson and exchange ideas from their study, life, and ministry experiences.

This shared learning journey is providing these GCI members with a sound theological foundation for GCI beliefs. And it is enhancing their skills for the practice of ministry on the ground.

In the UK and Ireland, ACCM is a valuable denominational resource that meets the needs of those who want to advance their service in the church as they participate with Jesus in his shepherding of his people.

ACCM is a course of study that I wholeheartedly recommend to anyone wishing to go deeper in their study and application of God’s word and ministry principles. If that’s you, I would encourage you to begin your voyage of discovery. For more information, see our website.

By Barry Robinson, ACCM Instructor & Regional Director Southern England, the Midlands, and Wales