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Healthy Church—Easter in Bogotá

We began reading about Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday in preparation for Holy Week. One of our favorite times of year is Holy Week because we get to spend it with the people we care about. It’s a unique week that always involves deep spiritual reflection in addition to spending time with loved ones and church members.

As part of our holy week celebrations, we read and studied the Gospel stories about Jesus’ death on the cross for our sins. We also studied his resurrection, which completely altered the course of human history! On Maundy Thursday, we studied its meaning and prayed together. On Good Friday, we gathered for a very special service. There were conversations and Bible readings that complemented the truth of how Jesus loves us with his divine love. In addition, we celebrated the Lord’s Supper, worshiping and pondering the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice.

There was a special feeling this Holy Week as we prepared the songs with the worship team and other activities in different ministries for each gathering. We love how we were able to connect through the preparations. We also shared a meaningful time praying for those who are struggling because of this world’s challenges. We celebrated Jesus’ resurrection and life.

Greetings from Bogotá, Colombia!

By Juan Carlos “Juanka” Barrero, Hope Avenue Champion
Bogotá, Columbia



One thought on “Healthy Church—Easter in Bogotá”

  1. Hola Juanka,
    Muchas gracias por tu contribucion. Veo que estas muy ocupado con tu servicio en la iglesia 🙂

    Queridos saludos a tus padres.

    Fuertes abrazos,
    Santiago y Elke

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