GCI Update

Why Do We Gather?

GCI President Greg Williams reflects on the importance of gathering as a church community, from worship and fellowship to renewal and mission. Discover how our unity in Christ leads to joy, connection, and a deeper walk with our triune God.

Program Transcript

Why do We Gather? 

Hello church! It is my pleasure to come to you via video, and I must say that it has been a wonderful summer having been with so many of you in person. In May I was able to be with leaders and members in Australia and Fiji. Then in June, July, and August, I was with US leaders and members in Cincinnati, Ohio, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Hawthorne, California for our US Regional Gatherings. And as I am recording this message I will be going to a large gathering and celebration in Ghana, Africa. Videos are helpful, but there is nothing as good as being in person.

So, why do we gather? I have 5 key points to answer this question.

The number 1 reason is to Worship our triune God. To raise our collective voices in song. To be washed over by the reading of God’s word. To hear the inspiring messages that the appointed speakers bring.

My mind goes to the doxology that we often close our services:

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost! AMEN

The second reason is the Family Reunion. Isn’t it a blessing to pick up on old relationships? It’s like time and distance have no effect as we pick up with the people we love. And then the openness to new friendships and welcoming others into the GCI circle. We are GCI!

Point 3, we need Fellowship. We need it for joy & laughter. We also need it for lament & tears. The Bible instructs us to rejoice with those who are rejoicing and to grieve with those who are grieving. And notice this, even Ministers need to receive MINISTERING. At our gatherings this summer I witnessed participants praying over pastors, and the Body of Christ being the Body of Christ. It was a beautiful expression that really moved me.

Point 4, is to be Centered on what the triune God is doing with us individually & collectively. We all need to hear from the Lord, and yes, he whispers to us in our prayer closets, but I believe that he speaks boldly to us when we gather as the church body. Then as we collectively experience worship, fellowship, and messages we find uniting themes that join us more closely. I also believe that there will be a handful of special nuggets, a new understanding or transformative experience, for each participant. Always listen for and open to mining for these nuggets.

The final point is to return home renewed & rededicated. Our triune God gathers his people and then he sends his people. We are to be like salt and light. Light that is pure and clear always pointing and guiding to Jesus. Salt as a seasoning and preserving agent, in other words, living as kingdom citizens pointing toward the eternal kingdom of God.

I think Psalm 133 encapsulates these 5 points that I have shared. I will end with this passage.

1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it is
For brethren to dwell together in unity!

It is like the precious oil upon the head,
Running down on the beard,
The beard of Aaron,
Running down on the edge of his garments.
It is like the dew of Hermon,
Descending upon the mountains of Zion;
For there the Lord commanded the blessing—
Life forevermore.

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is. Pleasing to us but it is especially pleasing to God.
Life forevermore – this is what we’re created for.

I am Greg Williams speaking about the life of the church.

P.S. Don’t miss the update of our U.S. Regional Gatherings that took place this summer. Read it here.

Devotional—Narrow Your Focus

As a GCI pastoral resident, I was challenged with the idea of narrowing down the places where we ate, studied, had coffee, etc. The consistency would enable us to develop meaningful relationships in those places. As someone who has always lived by the motto “variety is the spice of life,” this didn’t resonate with me—at least not at the time.

After finishing my residency, I became a pastor in another state. I was eager to try all the different coffee shops, restaurants, and hang-out spots. And yet, I couldn’t shake the challenge of adopting a more missional mindset and sticking to just a few places. And so, despite my preference for having a multitude of establishments to frequent, I chose to give it a go.

It didn’t take long to notice the influence that I was having on people’s lives. Not only did I develop relationships with people working in these establishments, but also with those who were frequent customers. Many times, the topic of discussion turned to “why Jesus?” and “why did I become a pastor?” And the other person always initiated these discussions.

So [Paul] reasoned in the synagogue with both Jews and God-fearing Greeks, as well as in the marketplace day by day with those who happened to be there. Acts 17:17

Ordinary Time is a fitting time to consider: How may I, like Paul, be intentional with where I spend my time?

Loving Father, may you give us hearts and minds to embrace a missional mindset that longs to go deep with the few you have called us to. We look forward to developing these relationships with anticipation of how you will bless their lives as well as our own. Amen.

David Borum, Associate Pastor
Kenockee, MI, US

Healthy Church—Missional Engagement

Members in Papua New Guinea (PNG) are showing generosity to their community even when resources are scarce. The woman’s ministry is creating Billum bags and selling them to raise money to help support their neighbors. They donate the funds to neighbors who have funeral expenses, and they express love and support to the families who are grieving.

GCI provides pastoral oversight for congregations in Mt. Wilhelm and Port Moresby. Infrastructure development at the Mt. Wilhelm facility has included the installation of solar power for the church-owned buildings in this remote part of the central highlands. This solar power allows the local congregation to host events after dark as a way to serve and bless neighboring villages, which have no electric power.

Their missional activities include water, agriculture, and income projects in tandem with biblical education and personal development for the entire community. They also held a children’s camp in July. Read more here.

In July, the PNG church celebrated Pastors Richard Kindi and Ben Galwa for 10 years of service. They were presented with certificates during a wonderful service with communion.

Pastors Richard and Ben have shown great pastoral care for the members by guiding them through difficult times, like COVID. And they have shown leadership during this challenging year for the entire country. The country has experienced looting, tribal war in the Enga province, and fear and suspicion of witchcraft. Women can be blamed for unexplained deaths and accused of witchcraft. If a woman is believed to be a witch, she is often murdered.

In March, widespread flooding led to a landslide in Chimbu province that caused incredible property damage, and 23 people died. Pastor Ben Galwa’s house was also affected.

Please join us in praying for our GCI family in PNG.

Note: The GCI Disaster Relief Fund helps provide members in disaster areas with emergency needs.

If your congregation would like to donate to the fund, you can set up a one-time donation through GCI Online Giving (https://www.gci.org/online-giving/) by selecting “Give for Disaster Relief” under the drop-down menu.

If your congregation prefers to send a check, make it out to Grace Communion International, indicating clearly on the memo line that the donation is for the GCI Disaster Relief Fund.

Send the donation to:
GCI Disaster Relief Fund
Grace Communion International
3120 Whitehall Park Dr.
Charlotte, NC 28273

Thank you for your prayers and financial contributions to help members of the GCI family who are suffering.

Healthy Church—Neighborhood Camps

Papua New Guinea

In Mt. Wilhelm, a children’s camp was held in July over two days involving activities such as volleyball and a talent show. The theme for the children’s camp was “Let the little children come to me.” (Mark 10:14).

The youth wanted to have a LifeClub for teaching public speaking. This will help the young people in their job interviews as well as preparing emerging leaders in the church. Next year, another two-day youth camp, including a LifeClub, is eagerly anticipated.

Sun Valley, California, US

This past month we had a great experience with the 3-day neighborhood camp that our local congregation hosted. We had 39 children ages 4-11 participate in the day camp. It was a fun time for all the children with all types of games and fun activities. But most importantly, it afforded us the opportunity to build relationships with some families from our neighborhood. In the weeks after the day camp, we have had two families continue to attend our Sunday services with the expectation that they will continue to attend.

Summer day camps are a great way to demonstrate the gospel in our neighborhoods in a way that creates bridges into the community and provides opportunities to live out the mission of God in ways that often lead to making disciples.

Heber Ticas, Superintendent of Latin America
Sun Valley, CA, US




Ordination of Chan Thleng

Congratulations to Chan Thleng! He was ordained an elder on August 11. Chan lives in the Yangon Region of Myanmar. He provides pastoral care for the three GCI congregations in Myanmar. Join us in praying for him and the ministry in his country.

His ordination was a joyous event, held during a leadership retreat, so leaders from across Asia joined the celebration. Shown from left to right in the photo above:
Joselito Olaguer–Thailand, Rex Dela Pena–Philippines, Sachin Nirale–India, Chan Thleng–Myanmar, Danny Zachariah–India, Won Mein Kong–Malaysia, Devaraj Ramoo–Malaysia, Eugene Guzon–Philippines, Joel Alisbo–Thailand, Praveen Chinta–India, Aron Tolentino–Philippines, Audie Santibanez–Philippines

Chan Thleng (left) with Danny Zachariah, Superintendent of Asia

We asked Chan to share some background with our readers.

I was born into Christian family. I accepted that Jesus is my Savior at the age of 18. I passed the matriculation examination in 2004. I earned my M.Div. in 2011. I married Lydia in 2017, and we have an infant son and two daughters.

Currently, I am serving as a senior pastor of GCI Myanmar. We have about 50 members in Hmawbi congregation. GCI also has a congregation in Matupi.

GCI was officially founded in Myanmar solely by faith alone in 2016 September 1. Right now, there are about 170 members total in different places in Myanmar. The vision that God has given us is to reach unreached people through planting new churches in eight ethnic groups in Myanmar.
In Christ’s service
Chan with his wife



US Regional Gatherings

Dear church (and especially those who attended our Regional Gatherings),

Superintendent Mike Rasmussen and his team did a great job in designing the content of our regional gatherings. And they did an even better job in delivering their messages. The team’s level of transparency was moving, and their commitment to serving the congregations going forward is commendable.

I remind you of a request I made to the church back in the early spring to set aside a day for prayer and fasting if you were physically able. I must say that we felt the covering of those prayers, and the Spirit has been faithful to provide unity and peace. Thank you for your faithfulness and enthusiastic participation.

Now on to Mike’s letter,
Greg Williams

West Gathering

A big thank you to everyone who attended and helped coordinate our three U.S. Regional Gatherings this summer! It was so good to get together to worship, share meals, have sharing and training time, as well as much-needed fellowship. One of the major changes this time around was to host these events in our own GCI church buildings instead of hotel ballrooms. This was the brilliant idea of Pam Morgan – thank you, Pam!

In June, Pastor Julie Frantz and her congregation hosted our first Gathering in Cincinnati, Ohio. Our Eastern, Southeast, North Central Regions and guests gathered for this event. My congregation and I hosted our second Gathering in July in our church and Ministry Training Center (MTC) in Surrey Hills, Oklahoma. This was for our Central Region and guests. Pastor Manuel Ochoa and his congregation hosted our final Gathering in August in Hawthorne, California for our Western Region and guests.

East Gathering

We followed the same schedule for all three Gatherings. Friday was the kickoff, with Dr. Jeff Broadnax teaching the Third Option Similarity Training, by Miles McPherson. It was an exciting time of learning how we are more similar than different and how to honor one another as God’s beloved children. The lessons provoked healthy and important discussions. Repeatedly, I heard comments like “I was a bit nervous – but I am so glad I came!” and “We need more of this type of training!”

Saturday, we gave updates on where we are going as a denomination in 2025. We addressed the following questions.

      • What is changing?
      • What is staying the same?
      • What is new?
Central Gathering
Read More

Prayer Guide—September 2024

“Prayer is not overcoming God’s reluctance but laying hold of His willingness.” — Martin Luther

This September, we invite you to join us in prayer and intercession, celebrating God’s ongoing work in, through, and among us. View the full guide or download it today: September Prayer Guide

Would you like to receive this Prayer Guide straight to your email inbox before the first of the month? Sign up here.

We’re Hiring

GCI is hiring!

A full-time position is now open at the Grace Communion International (GCI) Home Office in Charlotte, NC, U.S. We’re looking for a qualified Media Coordinator. See the job description here.

The position is currently available, and applications are being accepted. If you would like further details on the position or would like a GCI job application, please contact Human Resources at humanresources@gci.org or 980-495-3960.

Please share this announcement with qualified candidates who may be gifted for this position at the Home Office.